
To submit an abstract, please visit the abstract submission site:


  • Once on the url above, to submit an abstract, first click on the "Submit an abstract" link.
  • Next, select the "2016 Fall Meeting of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics" and proceed as indicated.
  • In the case of invited talks, first talk in a mini-symposium, or workshop speaker, select "invited talk" format. All other types, select "contributed" format.

As part of the program there are a number of mini-symposia which might be
of special interest:

Mini-Symposium on Cold Nuclear Matter From Fixed-Target Energies to the LHC
Mini-Symposium on New results from GRETINA
Mini-Symposium on Hadronic Weak Interaction
Mini-Symposium on Nuclear and Neutron Physics Tests of CKM Unitarity
Mini-Symposium on New Limits for the Electric Dipole Moment
Mini-Symposium on Investigations of the reactor neutrino anomalies
Mini-Symposium on Opportunities in Underground Nuclear Physics
Mini-Symposium on Instrumentation for Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Mini-Symposium on Light Meson Spectroscopy: First Results from GlueX
Mini-Symposium on Physics of Ultracold Neutrons Sources
Mini-Symposium on Applications of Nuclear Physics
Mini-Symposium on Nuclear Astrophysics